Big Denver Gap Year Announcement!

After our alumni reunion in May, 2025 - Denver Gap Year will officially shut down. 

The writing of this blog has been on my to do list for a long time. I’ve known it would be impossible to come up with the right combination of words to describe these past 10+ years. And that there wouldn’t be enough space to thank and honor everyone that has played a role in making this dream become a reality.

But I will do my best to briefly explain why the program is shutting down and even more importantly celebrate all that God did through this small gap year program in Denver.

A (very) brief explanation of the shutdown. 

In all of my communication to everyone involved with DGY, I’ve explained the decision using 3 main reasons. I would rate them all of equal importance.

The first has to do with family/finances

It's been the blessing of my life to be a Father to my two year old son Theo.  Marie and I have always wanted 3 kids and the time DGY requires to work as a substitute teacher part time, run DGY full time and be the Dad I need to be has been really difficult. Furthermore, even with charging more for DGY every year and increasing donations - we are nowhere close to having the cash needed to pay staff a livable wage in Denver. It's not financially possible to meet the needs of my growing family and continue DGY.

The second reason has to do with my calling and career. 

Dating back to my time with G42U in Texas, I've now been working in gap year ministry for 12 years. It's been an incredible journey filled with a lot of growth and a lot of fruit in people's lives but I feel ready to move onto other challenges and dreams. I've always wanted to pastor a church. I've wanted a season to work in the private sector. I could really enjoy being a part of a team at another nonprofit. 

The third reason has to do with timing/burnout.

The current pace/schedule had me on course to burnout before moving on from DGY. We (staff included) can now end in a better place with time to prepare for what's next. I always thought I would do this for 5-7 years and this final year makes it 9 years. (5 years to start and 4 years running it) 

I would like to start by highlighting some important numbers:  

  • 30 young adults attended DGY during our 3 ½ years of operating.

    • These students came from places as close as metro Denver and as far away as Alaska. Overall, 19 different states were represented. 

  • DGY served in 4 different countries on 7 different mission trips: Guatemala (4x), Nicaragua, Ecuador and Dominican Republic.

    • Beyond all the personal growth experienced on these trips - our students and staff were able to support some amazing local ministries and raise tens of thousands of dollars for important projects ranging from clean water filters to bible distribution.

  • Our students volunteered at dozens of different local nonprofits. Ultimately volunteering a combined thousands of hours. 

  • We had 50+ different teachers both in person and online offer their wisdom to our students. 

  • 100+ different donors ranging from 5$ monthly to a 2,000$ single donation. 

  • 4 local church partners that served alongside us in multiple different ways. 

  • Our adventures added up to thousands of combined miles hiked in the Rocky Mountains, 20+ skydivers, 4 camping trips and 4 ski days just to name a few. 

    • Our international adventures took us on excursions as wide ranging as hiking an active volcano, ziplining through a jungle and jumping off waterfalls.

  • Our city excursions included Rockies and Nuggets games, downtown ice skating, art museums and 7 scavenger hunts. 

  • In addition - dozens of worship nights, hundreds of community dinners and a quote book full of memories. 

But even all those numbers fall short in portraying all the incalculable ways the program impacted those who served and the students who attended. When I look back on this program years from now, the thing I’ll think about the most are the young adults I met. Seeing what God did in so many lives was an incredible thing to be a part of. 

I’ll think about people hearing God’s voice or sensing His presence for the first time. I’ll think about people coming in unsure about who God is but then leaving the program full of faith and confidence. I’ll carry memories of the Holy Spirit setting people free and showing them what their gifts are. 

And of hungry young adults singing their hearts out to God in the basement of the DGY house.  I’ll think about how over the course of months we would watch a student become more alive and confident in their future. So much so that they looked like a brand new person by graduation day! 

As some of you know, this journey dates back to 2013 when I was part of starting and running a gap year called G42U. After that program shut down, I moved to Denver in 2016. Shortly thereafter (through a combination of many factors) I decided to launch a new program called Denver Gap Year. God promised he would provide resources for this new ministry and that “There would be a harvest” if I didn’t give up. 

It took 5 years of hard work before we would finally launch with 3 students (who lived with Marie and I that first year). During that time, 5 bold staff members moved to Denver, a board of directors was formed and we created everything from scratch. What I learned during that time would be a whole different blog but I will say that when we started in the Fall of 2021 the Kingdom principle of “things not happening quickly but instead suddenly” never felt more true. 

This God dream of Denver Gap Year took up about 12 years of my life. Kevin Odom worked for 2 years to launch it and then another 4 years of being on staff. We had other staff, friends, board members, teachers, community members that donated, supported, labored and served for years to make this program work.

At the start of each term, I would tell the story of DGY to our new class of students. I was always on the verge of tears describing all the ways God came through and all the people that sacrificed to make this program a reality. I was always amazed that a new group of young adults from across the USA were now sitting on couches in front of me. 

I would remind them of all that had to happen for them to be sitting there. And that God had put in motion plans for this program when they were as young as 7 years old. 10+ years before they had even thought about taking a gap year - God was working to launch DGY. How amazing is that!?!


Lastly, I would tell them that all blood, sweat and tears were worth it. All the collective sacrifice, effort and service past and present were worth it. That everyone involved over the years had done all this to see healing, growth and fruit in their lives. 

The inner transformation of those of us that served and the ripple effects of the program in Denver and the world were incredible by products of Denver Gap Year. But the main point was always the lives of the 30+ students that came through the program. 

Your lives are the most enduring legacy of DGY. 

And as we wrap things up, I want to remind you that all of us involved with Denver Gap Year still believe you were worth it. 

Parting thoughts from longtime staff member: Kevin Odom

DGY has been an incredible time of growth and learning for me; Helping to start a ministry, solidifying my personal growth into teachings, and shepherding these young adults into whatever they want their adult lives to be. The joys of the program far out way all of the reminders to honor the house’s quiet hours or to clean the dishes. 

I also wanted to say thank you to all the people who have supported my time with Denver Gap Year. Especially my family and Tom Smith, for his steadfast and generous giving.

Parting Thoughts from Staff Member: Grace Chase

When I agreed to come to DGY, I had no idea the adventure that would occur. I could have sort of predicted the “let’s keep the house tidy” talks and the “wash the dishes, please,” but I don’t think I ever could have known how much fun I would have, how much I would see God do, or how much my life would be changed by it.

During our time together, we laughed, cried, played endless games of secret Hitler and monopoly deal, as well as continuously said “yes” to how the Lord was leading us at that time.

It is my greatest hope that, even though we are parting ways, we all continue to say “yes” to the adventures that are presented to us. That we continue to say “yes” to the places that God leads us to, in our hearts and in our physical lives.

May we grow in our knowledge of Him. May we daily receive love from Him. DGY, thank you for the privilege of being able to do this experience with you. As you have grown in this program, so have I, and I could not have done it without you.

Huge thanks to my wife Marie!

I have to reserve a MASSIVE SHOUTOUT and deepest thanks to a true unsung hero of Denver Gap Year - my wife: Marie Evans. I was in my 3rd year of trying to launch the program when we started dating and without her unwavering support and deep belief in myself and what DGY could be - none of this would have ever happened. 

Then throughout the operation of the program, she chose to sacrifice often to support DGY. She carried the weight of taking care of our son Theo, being the primary income earner and helping bear the stress of supporting my overall leadership. And for those students lucky enough to get to know her they got to see what a wise, grounded, fun and impressive person she is. Thank you Marie! Love you so much

Final Thank You’s (Not enough room to thank everyone! Sorry!)

  • Our current staff members Kevin Odom (6 years) and Grace Chase (2 years) And Jordan Harrington who helped us out for a term.

  • Our OG staff members who served for 2 years as we tried to launch. Many of whom went on to become monthly donors, teachers and volunteers: Alisha Webb. Audrey Rodgers. Nathan Dawang. Hannah Chandler.

  • The DGY Board of Directors: Kyle and Haley Crimi. Noe Rivera. Gary Black. Andrew Shearman. Jason Hayes. Michael Schuerman.

  • Local Denver Church Partners: Denver United. Bridgeway Church. Lifegate Church.

  • International Partners: G42 Leadership Academy. Emma and Renzo Gonzalez. (Guatemala) Reap Granada. (Nicaragua) Dunamis. (Ecuador) Hope for DR (Dominican Republic) 

  • Donors: There are way too many to name! To anyone that gave we are eternally grateful for your generosity no matter how small or large. We are especially grateful to those that gave throughout the 5 years we were trying to launch and our monthly donors.

  • Teachers: Also too many to name but I want to shout out those that taught often and consistently throughout the years - Bridgeway Church. Denver United. Scott and Lauri Lane. Larry Pambianco. Shannon Clark. Ted Hanson. Michael Dearinger. Autumn Williams. Carson Dickie. Simon and Rachel Myers. Nathan and Leah Dawang. Kevin Kelly. David Bley. Noe Rivera. Arlan Palmer. Jason Hayes. Tri Robinson. 

  • My family (Evans and my wife’s family) who believed in my dream and were supportive in so many ways over the years including financially.

  • All my good friends who helped championed the cause, helped shape the program and were a place of wisdom and respite throughout the years. 

  • Last but not least all the students that attended DGY: Kyle (Namrog) Gorman. Angie Paulson. Jack Lescaleet. Kylie North. Harrison Lewis. Will Sinzheimer. Owen Savage. Reese Bacon. Gabe McDonald. Hannah Loux. Allison Weiss. Madeline Verstrate. McLain Boyd. Isabella Slocum. Kyndal Hazen. Sarah Shultz. Norah Colquhoun. Sam Orrange. Jack Wood. Davin Miller. Brayden Hirning. Sarenity Anderson. Miranda Kimmel. Julianna Cianello. Elinore Wolthuis. Clara Voetberg. Alex Thurman. Jeremiah Somers. Max Ross.

Fall 2021 Class

Winter 2022 Class

Fall 2022 Class

Winter 2023 Class

Winter 2024 Class

Fall 2024 Class