The 12 Surprising and Powerful Academic Benefits Of Taking A Gap Year

Academic Benefits

  • Working in groups. In today's work environment, people who work best with others - denoted often times as having Emotional Intelligence (EQ rather than IQ) - tend to be more successful. In all regards, a gap year will challenge the student to work better with a more diverse array of people.

  • Gap years often solve issues of academic burnout with healthy choices and satisfy multiple learning types.

  • Identify and eliminate interests to best direct a major study that results in a deeply invested college-to-career future.

  • Re-ignite a sense of curiosity for learning, through real life situations and exploring possible careers through hands on field-work. Take a student out of "park" and helps to put them into "drive."

  • Go to college with a purpose, not arbitrarily because it is what society recommends.

  • Gaining immersed linguistic experience, and possible fluency.

  • Gap year alumni are more likely to be supported with scholarships to engage in further civic engagement, national and international university studies.

  • Gap year alumni are provided with practical field experience that is applied and referenced to university learning.

  • Gap year students have an opportunity to apply the past 12 years of academic classroom knowledge to relevant experiences and studies - thus gaining clarity about career ambitions both favorable and unfavorable.

  • Field experience and cross-cultural understanding sets gap year graduates ahead of other employee applicants.

  • Universities mostly understand that students who have completed a Gap Year will be more invested, better community members, and have better employability partially as a result of their gap year.

  • Gap year alumni often will use their immersion experience to fuel better admissions essays, and even change their major focus of study having gained clarity and purpose.

To learn more about how Denver Gap Year can help your prepare for the future click here.

If you have any questions about taking a gap year feel free to contact us.

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